Prioritizing Financial Literacy in Budget 2025: A Path to Financial Inclusive Growth

Leadership of Future AI Defence Technologies & Strategies: India Setting Benchmark
In the sector of national security, do we require fully autonomous drones to engage with the adversary aircraft in a fight or deploy autonomous patrolling vehicles at the borders for getting technologically advanced patrolling? How much autonomy should be given to the machines on the battlefield? The journey towards a secure & technologically advanced future demands a multifaceted strategy that encompasses policy development, cybersecurity fortification & international collaboration. By embracing these principles, India can navigate the complexities of the evolving technological landscape, ensuring the responsible & ethical integration of AI in national security for the benefit of its citizens and the global community

Comments / Suggestions on the Draft Notification S.O.1199 (E) Dated 23rd March, 2020
As one of the efforts to support “Make in India” and “Ease of Doing Business” and at the same time ensuring environmental sustainability Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change (MoEF&CC) had issued Gazette Notification No- 1199(E) on Environment Impact Assessment Process.

Suggestions and Comments for New Foreign Trade Policy (2020-25)
On 12th November, 2020 the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) said in a trade notice that “The foreign trade policy (2015-20) was extended for a year till March 31, 2021. In order to prepare a new five-year foreign trade policy, suggestions/inputs are invited from various stakeholders”.

Integration of Urban Cooperative Banks A Comparative Regulatory & Functional Review:
PARC Suggestion to Reserve Bank of India committee
Banking System acts as a backbone to the country’s economy. While commercial banks have the role of driving the economy, cooperative banks are more focused on the financial upliftment of the grassroots section of society. However, RBI in its “Trends & Progress report 2019-2020 determined that the cooperative sector faced the collapse of larger UCBs due to fraud and deficient governance.